What type of animals can I foster?
Teachers currently have the opportunity to foster small pets, including rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice. You will be matched with a good fit for you and your students!
Can I choose which animal to foster?
Yes, but it will depend on who we have available at the shelter. Also, we may encourage you to foster a certain type of animal if we have many of them in need at the time!
What is the time commitment?
The length of foster assignments varies based on the needs of the animal and the time it takes for the animal to get adopted. You will receive an approximate duration before you commit to an animal, and we will match you with a foster assignment that works with your schedule, availability, and interests.
What do I do with my foster pet on the weekends?
You will be responsible for providing daily care to your foster pet. We prefer that you take your foster home on the weekends if possible, or you can arrange to come into the classroom to care for and spend time with them.
Does Saving Grace provide supplies?
Saving Grace will provide most of the supplies needed to care for your foster pet, including a cage/pen, food, bedding and enrichment items. The foster volunteer provides fresh fruit and veggies and additional enrichment items (when appropriate). Having your students make items is a great way to get them involved in the care of the pet!