Fostering FAQ
To learn more about fostering, please email or call (541) 672-3907 x111. You can also sign up here!
1. Do I get to choose what animal I foster?
After signing up to foster for Saving Grace, the Foster Program Manager will send you a google form to fill out that asks different questions about your preferences, whether that be bottle babies, weaned kittens, small animals, dogs, or puppies – we always try to match you with your preference!
2. Can I foster if I have animals of my own?
Yes! But foster animals do need to be kept completely separate from your own animals for at least two weeks. Your animals also need to be fully vaccinated. We suggest talking to your vet prior to fostering to make sure your vet feels fostering is safe for your pets.
3. Can I foster if I rent my home?
Of course! Just know Saving Grace is not liable for any property damage caused by the foster pet.
4. Does Saving Grace provide supplies?
Yes! We can usually supply all of the items that you will need, so that you can take the best care of your foster animal(s). We do ask that if you can help with some supplies that would be extremely helpful! We try to make it as easy as possible for foster families since you are helping the animals and the shelter so much!
5. Can I adopt my foster animal?
Of course! Although the goal of fostering is to say goodbye. The outcome of fostering animals is to help them become available for adoption – not to test them out in your own home for adoption.
6. How long do I foster an animal?
This is entirely dependent on what kind of animal you are fostering – we prefer you foster the animal until they are of age, healed, or social, but we get that life happens! We appreciate any and all help.
“Through no fault of their own, these pets need our help. I’m glad to give them a chance at finding a loving home. Fostering also gives me my ‘animal-fix!’ I get to be around them all I want without the commitment!” – SG Foster Parent