Medical Foster FAQ
What type of animals can I foster?
The types of animals in this program include animals who have some kind of illness or injury that need a safe and warm home to heal. This could include but is not limited to: upper respiratory infections, broken bones, ringworm, underweight, dental issues, eye ulcers, or awaiting surgery.
What is the time commitment?
The length of foster varies based on the needs of the animal and our vet’s surgery schedule openings. You will receive an approximate duration before you commit to an animal, and we will match you with a pet that works with your availability, and interests.
What are the benefits?
- Pets heal faster in a home – when taking on a medical foster, you speed up their date to become adopted!
- It is incredibly rewarding to watch a sick animal become healthy with the proper TLC.
- Learn more about pet care through experience and with consultations with our Medical Director and Foster Manager.
- You save two lives: the life of the sick pet you take into your home, and the space you freed up for the shelter to take in another sick animal.